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People Management

People Management Solutions

People Management

Why Visitors Management Systems should be part of your Security and Risk Management Strategy

Our heartfelt condolences go out to those who have lost loved ones during the 14 Riverside Drive, Nairobi attack and our prayers go out to the families and friends of those affected. This tragedy has once again raised an issue regarding security risk management and value that data and analytics can play in supporting existing […]

Facilities Management People Management

Introducing Soja Passport. Your Pocket P.A.

At Identigate, we always work on innovations that not only enhance and simplify your your security and visitors and residents management processes. It is with this in mind that we introduce Soja Passport a self service solution to manage your bookings and appointments, visitor notifications and data. The solution is integrated with with SOJA Visitors Management System […]

Facilities Management People Management

Fight Fraud with Identigate Identity Verification Service

Could that ID be fake? We are constantly innovating at Identigate though developing and deploying service and solutions that enhance Identity management processes in controlled environments. Our new ID validation adds value to our existing ID Scanning and validation service that is available as a standard in our visitors management platform SOJA (soja.co.ke) An identity […]

Facilities Management People Management

Use Visitor Management Systems to comply with provisions of the Kenya Data Protection Act (DPA)

Kenya recently enacted a data privacy and protection law, the Data Protection Act of 2019 (the DPA). The DPA gives effect to Articles 31(c) and (d) of the Constitution of Kenya which guarantee the right of every person not to have what is considered private information particularly personally Identifiable information (PII) unnecessarily required or revealed” […]

Asset Management Facilities Management People Management

Streamline Inbound and Outbound Logistics with SOJA VMS for Manufacturers and Logistics Management Service Providers

In today’s business environment, logistics is seen as a key strategic element with the potential of bringing a lot of value to the service quality provided to customers. At the same time, organizations that invest in their inbound and outbound logistics processes will often experience cost savings, boost productivity, improve their brand reputation, and gain […]